Sunday, September 11, 2005

Street Wayang in Singapore

What we have taken for granted for decades is now slowly fading away. Before that happens, I hope to compile a list of these street wayangs, be there full operas or puppet shows. They form a strong part of the Chinese Heritage in Singapore.

Here I hope to document the name of the street wayang, the contacts and the history. Any information is welcomed.


JaVe LitTle BoY said...

hi hi, tis is javewu here, reali hapi to c such a blog existin... hee hee..

i'm a chn opera n religion researchers, do hope can join in the fun... :)

chinatownboy said...

Hi Jave,
More than happy to have you join in the team!

chinatownboy said...

Yes, Kim Eng is there. It is written as Jin Ying. You can look at this post:

You can share with us more about this troupe? We hope to document the street wayangs before they vanish from this earth. (^^)

A.C. said...

Talking about Kim Eng, I was fortunate to snap alot of photographs on them. I think they're pretty good when compared to other street wayang troupes locally, in terms of professinalism and troupe strength.

Joey said...

hi, i love cantonese opera & glad to stumble into your blog.

chinatownboy said...

Frannxis has a bigger treasure box of Cantonese operas!

Frannxis' Blog on Cantonese Opera at:

twinkletwinklelittlestar said...

Hi all, i am looking for people who can sing teochew/hokkien/canto nursery rhymes or folksongs.. any idea where i can find? no need for professionals, i just want to do some plain recordings for a production. Thanks a million can email me at