本地年轻二胡演奏家——王丽娜,将于本月14日下午5点假ARTS HOUSE (旧国会大厦艺术之家)举办个人第二场二胡独奏会【胡丝嫩想】。音乐会将演奏多首二胡名曲,如【红梅随想曲】、【汉宫秋月】 、【兰花花叙事曲】 、【新婚别】 、【思念 】等节目。
欢迎购票:4B Bukit Pasoh Road (湘灵音乐社)或致电:6222 4221
1 comment:
My name is May and i am a 3rd year Architecture student from the National University of Singapore.
Currently, my project requires me to obtain more information on street wayang in Singapore and i chanced upon your blog. I hope that perhaps you might be able to help me in getting a better understanding on the performing art as you seem to be well versed in the subject. I have not been able to gather much sources on street wayang events recently.
My email is mayleong86@gmail.com and I do hope to hear from you soon (:
Thank you.
Warm regards,
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